ANSI2BAS.ZIP 41,051 05-05-95 ANSI2BAS will change ANSI screens to aQuickBasic BAS file That can be put in anyQuickbasic or Qbasic program that Way Theycan not be changed by anyone This Could bejust what you were looking for give it a try.
BFPRO12.ZIP 94,556 05-10-95 -=> DavisWARE - Basic Formatter Pro v1.2! <=-The ULTIMATE Basic formatting tool of the90's! Converts GW-Basic to QB & PB format, aswell as, formatting QB/PB code as well.Expands or Compresses source code lines,
CDMLITE.ZIP 735,735 05-17-95 VB Code Master Lite - is a code writing,navigating and managing tool. It reducesprogrammer development time by placing files,procedures, and variables in one window.There is no more guessing about or finding
CNTDN201.ZIP 6,508 05-19-95 COUNT v2.01 A countdown utility Allows userconfiguration, many many features includinglarge on- screen display, sound, adjustabledisplay, total hours, mins, seconds etc etc...
COLS14.ZIP 19,674 06-22-95 Text Column Architect v1.4 - Swap, add,delete and calculate text columns. Calculatedcolumns can be any QBASIC function of theother columns. Column totals and averages aredisplayed. Fast command line short cut. It's
DT101.ZIP 29,287 09-15-95 Date/Time Routines for MS Basic v1.01 by JoeNegron, Plublic Domain, date and time relatedSUBs & FUNCTIONs
FXCMDEM.ZIP 620,847 06-07-95 Mitsubishi PLC VBX demo from C&L systems.
GBLIB1C.ZIP 215,039 05-03-95 GBLIB1c.DLL - is a VB DLL with 90 differentfunctions. It allows you to load WAVs, icons,cursors, bitmaps, and text from a resourceDLL file. Other features include extensivesound function, a pause function, animated
GLIB20.ZIP 97,817 06-10-95 GrafLib v2.0. Graphics library forQuickBasic. Easy for the beginner, and USEFULfor the pro.
HELPER51.ZIP 14,335 05-16-95 HELPER51 provides quick access to informationwhich may be needed by persons progamming inQUICK BASIC, BASICA, or GWBASIC, or who needto view various conversions and charts. WithDecimal to hex, Convert Hex to decimal,
KAL2DEMO.ZIP 457,213 05-25-95 The kalendar vbx - design mode version that.
PCL4PB43.ZIP 52,109 05-09-95 PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR POWERBASIC (PCL4PB43.ZIP), March 95, Ver 4.3,<ASP>. Async comm library supporting COM1thru COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ portsconcurrently, many dumb multiport boards,
PCL4VB43.ZIP 76,697 05-14-95 PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR VISUALBASIC (PCL4VB43.ZIP), May 95, Ver 4.3 <ASP>.Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, manydumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt
POKER113.ZIP 19,035 05-23-95 POKER113.vbx is a physical memory access VBX;developed to read directly from RAM on anadapter card, but may be used for accessingphysical RAM locations on the PC motherboard;
PPL4PB10.ZIP 80,035 05-03-95 PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR POWER BASIC(PPL4PB10.ZIP), April 95, Ver 1.0, <ASP>.PPL4PB is a protocol library supportingASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM,YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols. Requires the
RNDNUM13.ZIP 53,010 05-23-95 Random Numbers v1.3, May 1995. Freeware fromSpyder Software. This is a Visual Basicapplication that allows the user to generatea set of random numbers. The use may inputthe minimum and maximum values for the set as
SCB04.ZIP 327,094 05-01-95 Scoper - analyzes VB3 project source modulesand identifies variables, constants,function/subroutine declarations and codesthat are never used. This helps you createthe smallest, fastest EXE possible for yourproject.
VBCWUR.ZIP 1091,802 05-18-95 VB Code Wizard - is a programer's tool andcoding aid which includes database storage ofall of the many forms of visual basic codeand sub modules. It also allows for easystorage and retrieval of VB Bitmaps, Icons,
VBOS201.ZIP 107,847 05-15-95 VBossAPI.DLL - is a Visual Basic languageextension module providing capabilitiesuseful when building script and languagecompilers and interpreters.
VBTT95.ZIP 490,047 05-15-95 VB Tips & Tricks '95 - contains aninformative Windows Help file to assistVisual Basic programmers.